Always Inspire!

 Listen to original music here.

The IMPACT Society is a non-profit organization advocating the power of music and arts to inspire and motivate people to achieve their maximum potential in life.

The IMPACT Society envisions a “New Youth Culture” where drugs and thugs are OUT, and community service, education, and leadership are IN!  Our aim is awareness and prevention of substance abuse, bullying, teen pregnancy, dropouts and teen suicide.

IMPACT works in partnership with Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) in schools.  We take our message of wise choices to school assemblies with the New Youth Culture Tour — an awareness/prevention music, talks, and multimedia presentation.  We see a future that includes a SADD Chapter in every middle and high school in Maryland.

Partnerships are essential to our mission and the core of our foundation!  Contact us today to help IMPACT Society.

Founder/CEO, Daniel Brannon, was a recipient of the prestigious 2011 National Pearson Prize for Higher Education.  The Pearson Foundation gives these awards to recognize exemplary students at two-and four-year colleges and universities who give back to their community while completing their undergraduate studies. Watch Danny’s Pearson Prize 2-Minute life story here.